Go vegan: http://www.animalvisuals.org/vegan/
If you say humans evolved to eat meat, be more specific about what you think people should and shouldn't eat, because your ancestors didn't eat hamburgers from McDonald's and they didn't buy chicken strips from the grocery store.
They ate wild animals, not factory farmed genetic mutations of wild animals.
The animals that most people eat nowadays are NOT similar to the animals that our ancestors ate.
People who eat meat in 2009 are participating in an experiment.
People who eat meat nowadays eat breeds of animals that never existed prior to factory farming and breeds that could never survive in the wild.
Soon you'll be eating cloned animals and that will also be labeled as "meat." Will you then also argue that it's merely evolution?!?
Please watch these videos about factory farming and the "evolution" of animal agriculture:
For example, most "chicken" these days comes from broiler chickens, a breed that didn't exist 100 years ago. This breed was invented.
What do they look like?
More images here:
What are they?
"Modern commercial broilers—largely Cornish-Rocks—are specially bred for meat production and grow much faster than egg breeds." ..."a cross between a White Cornish male and a Barred Rock female. This hybrid was introduced in the 1930s and became dominant in the 1960s." ..."Broiler chickens may often get joint disorders because their legs cannot bear the heavy bodies. A Swedish study by SLU Skara (Swedish farming university) revealed that only 1/3 of studied broiler chickens that were about to be slaughtered were healthy."
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broiler_...
"Broilers are meat-type chickens. Sometimes they are called fryers or frying chicken. Commercial broilers are crossbreds, primarily involving White Cornish and White Plymouth Rock. Today's commercial broilers are marketed [aka slaughtered] at 4-10 weeks of age, depending on the body weight desired. Broilers are used for products such as Cornish Hens (2.85 lb live weight at about 4 weeks of age), chicken for fast food restaurants (4.1 lb at about 6 weeks of age), chicken for grocery stores (6.0 lb at about 7.5 weeks of age), and deboned chicken for sandwiches, nuggets, etc. (6.5 lb at about 8.5 weeks of age)."
source: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PS035
"The new study, published in the Veterinary Record, showed the birds actively seek pain relief. It found that when given a choice of two feeds, one containing the pain-relieving drug carprofen, and one without, more lame birds than fit birds chose to eat the drugged feed. "
source: http://www.upc-online.org/000326choos...
More on chicken sentience:
"Researchers used a simple method of food reward to ascertain this truth. If a hen pecked on a colored button, they received a food reward. If the hen waited a couple of seconds, they received a small amount of food. But if they waited for 22 seconds, they received a much larger amount. Over 90% of the hens held out for the big reward."
source: http://www.naturescornermagazine.com/...
Baby chicks do math:
"Chickens exist in stable social groups. They can recognize each other by their facial features. They have 24 distinct cries that communicate a wealth of information to one other, including separate alarm calls depending on whether a predator is traveling by land or sea. They are good at solving problems." ..."Perhaps most persuasive is the chicken's intriguing ability to understand that an object, when taken away and hidden, nevertheless continues to exist. This is beyond the capacity of small children."
source: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/12/wee...
Animals sentience in general...
Dr. Steven Best: http://thomaspainescorner.wordpress.c...
Prof. Gary Francione: http://www.abolitionistapproach.com/f...
Mary Martin: http://www.animalperson.net/animal_pe...
Marc Bekoff and Jane Goodall: http://books.google.com/books?id=x1bb...
Videos of chickens in factory farming:
Are broilers being raised near you? Check out this factory farming map to see:
Are you vegetarian or vegan? PLEASE tell your story. PLEASE speak up.
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