Friday, May 1, 2009

An Ounce Of Prevention

"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

Crowded spaces and poor hygiene spread disease.
Where do those situations exist?
The schools, hospitals, military, and... factory farms.

"Bacteria are able to develop antibiotic resistance when exposed to low doses of drugs over long periods of time. To promote growth and weight gain, entire herds or flocks of farm animals are routinely fed antibiotics at low levels in their feed or water a practice that has been identified as a major contributor to antibiotic resistance."
"In addition, the crowded and often unhygienic conditions of many industrial farms facilitate transfer of bacteria and infection, increasing the need for antibiotic use in the hopes of preventing diseases that might arise from these conditions."

Articles worth reading:
"Swine Flu and Factory Farms: Fast Track to Disaster":
"CDC Confirms Ties to Virus First Discovered in U.S. Pig Factories":

"Recent studies have shown that 15% to 25% of swine farmers might have been infected with swine flu viruses, as well as about 10% of veterinarians."
"Cases of swine flu have most commonly occurred in people with direct exposure to pigs, but some cases of human-to-human transmission have been reported."
"Studies have shown that 30% to 50% of commercial U.S. swine have been infected with swine flu."
This may be a new strain, but it's mutated from the old ones, the ones that were present in the US prior to the outbreak in Mexico.

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) found in 49 percent of pigs in factory farms and 45 percent of the pig workers.


Information on the public health threat of factory farming:

To protect ourselves and each other,
it's time to take a stand against factory farming

Because the majority of meat, eggs, and dairy available to consumers
today comes from factory farms,
one of the simplest and most effective ways you can
stand up against factory farming is by going vegan.

Please take a moment and think about how your decisions impact the lives of others.
Please do the right thing - go vegan.

PS - The American Association of Swine Veterinarians has issued a pamphlet telling farmers how to kill pigs so that they're prepared to slow the spread of swine flu.
How to kill a pig:
Basically, it says it's OK to bash in the heads of piglets, and they call this "euthanasia."
For more on the co-opting of the word "euthanasia" check out Death on a Factory Farm. Scenes here:


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